In August, SERACS did a pilot ILG Training program for interested participants in Madang
In September, SERACS was involved in a number of projects in the country namely; Central Cement & Limestone (CCL) Project, Panguna MIne Project, Kamula Doso Carbon Credit Project, Papua LNG & Wafi Golpu Projects
JULY 2022
In July, SERACS was involved in Kamula Doso Carbon Project and a agriculture project in Muro, Orokolo Bay, Gulf Province.
JUNE 2022
SERACS Ltd completed social mapping and landowners identification (SMLI) studies for the PRL-15, onshore and Offshore Pipeline Export Route (PER).
APRIL 2022
In April, SERACS was involved in Central Cement and Limestone project
MARCH 2022
In March 2022, SERACS provided technical assistance to Mayur Renewables in caring out awareness in the Kamula Doso Aramia River villages as part of Frior Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) process for the Kamula Doso Carbon Credit Project.
In February 2022, SERACS provided technical assistance to Mayur Iron with the compensation payment for economic tress to landowners in Muro, Gulf Province.
In January 2022, SERACS was involved in a number of projects namely; Central Cement & Limestone and Mayur Iron Sand Project
In September 2022, SERACS was involved in Carrying out Environmental Impact Assesment and second installment payment(economic tress) in Muro for Mayur Iron Sand project
In August 2021,
SERACS Ltd was engaged by Grow PNG Ltd to conduct a pilot training on the Land Access Guide (LAG) with the selected oil palm farmers and also engaged by Gulf Provincial Administration (GPG) to carry out awareness and social mapping & landowner identification (SMLI) studies for the Power to Shore, Urban Development and Petoe Industrial Hub Projects in Gulf Province.
JULY 2021
In July 2022, SERACS
was engaged by Mayur Resources Ltd to provide technical support for the garden relocation for the CCL Project and also conducted capacity enhancement training on the SMLI study for the BCL VLOs.
APRIL - MAY 2021
In April and May 2021, SERACS was engaged in a number of projects with companies namely; Adyton Resources, Central Cement and Limstone, Mayur Iron.
In February 2021, SERACS was contracted by Grow PNG Ltd – a subsidiary of Grow Asia – to develop a Land Access Guide (LAG)
In January 2021, SERACS Ltd were engaged to provide exploration support role to Adyton Resources Exploration Licence (EL-2096).
By end of 2022, our organization initiated a mine rehabilitation program for the Orokolo Iron Sand Mine Project in Orokolo
Last year (2022), SERACS Ltd had initiated a pilot agriculture program where we trained local lead farmers
After 30 years since the crisis in 1988, Rio Tinto finally set foot on the Bougainville Island
MARCH 2023
On 15th Mar 2023, our officers from SERACS Ltd had a scouting trip to the proposed jetty area for Central Cement and Limestone
APRIL 2023
The scoping trip commenced on the 20th April 2023 and will be completed on 25th April 2023
MAY 2023
Our role in the Energy Sector in PNG covers range of tasks including Social Mapping and Landowner Identification
JUNE 2023
On June 15, 2023, a momentous event unfolded as the civil works for the Central Cement and Limestone (CCL) Project in Central Province kicked off.
JULY 2023
SERACS Ltd, contracted by Mayur Resource Ltd for its community consultations
An integral component of the Environmental Monitoring efforts for the CCL Project has commenced last week
As recently reported by the Post Courier, the Wildebeest LNG project is projected to become the largest LNG projects
Fifteen out of 25 youths from Lealea village, enrolled in Basic Engineering training in 2023
MARCH 2024
Our team is currently conducting the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Study for the CCL Project
MAY 2024
SERACS Ltd successfully undertake two-day scouting work for the Biophysical Impact Assessment
JULY 2024
SERACS Ltd has been entrusted by OK Tedi Mining Ltd (OTML) to serve as one of the three