Last year (2022), SERACS Ltd had initiated a pilot agriculture program where we trained local lead farmers to grow short term vegetables crops such as cabbage (pakchoi), tomato, capsicum and saladia, using modern farming techniques. This is anticipated to improve the nutritional food intake and generate an income for the local people.

After 8 months of implementation of the program, we carried out an internal evaluation of the program from 27th to 30th Dec 2022. The intent of the evaluation was to assess the impact, outcome and how best we can improve the program.


The program has equipped local farmers with skills on how to prepare the soil and arrange the plot, nursery of seedlings, planting time, plant spacing, pests & weeds control and the monitoring of crops.

Apart from Ere Kilavi and Huruta villages, Muro Primary school took part in the pilot agriculture program as well. Students utilized this opportunity to put into practice what they learned in the classroom. They practically apply theory on how to prepare the soil, sowing of seedlings, monitoring of crops, manage drainage, and harvesting and handling of crops.


For the next phase of the program, we are now looking at increasing the number of farmers and explore options for expansion. Lead farmers will be trained by our officers so that they will play a lead role to pass the skills to their cluster groups within each village.

We acknowledged Mayur Resource Ltd for the accommodation and the logistical support for our team to stay on site to undertake this program. SERACS Ltd has provided seeds and an officer to coordinate the program with the farmers.