Central Cement and Limestone (CCL) Project
On the 21st of September 2022, our team was engaged by Mayur Resource Ltd to facilitate the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for a Joint Venture (JV) company between the Kido landowners and the Mayur Resource Ltd (developer). This was based on the agreement reached after the key clans at Kido village and the genuine clans who have signed the colonial land purchased documents were identified in the Land Study Review (LSR).
The JV company was established to allow the key clans at Kido to equally participate in the decision making process and the benefits sharing of the Kido Special Economic Zone (SEZ) that is located within the CCL Project area. The JV company will focus on the development of the existing State Leases and customary land at Kido that are part of the SEZ and the CCL Project area.

Panguna Mine Project
SERACS Ltd is continued to provide technical and advisory support role on the process for addressing legacy issues on Panguna Mine. Our team has been involved in the formation of the Oversight Committee on Panguna legacy issues including the Secretariat to support the work of the Human Rights Environmental Impact Assessment.
The meeting on the 7th September 2022 was the first entry of Rio Tinto onto Bougainville Island after the conflict. The process of having Rito Tinto, ABC, Human Rights Law Centre and Panguna Oversight Committee in the same room is a step forward on the forward on the process towards addressing environmental issues associated with the Panguna Mine.We give credit to Rito Tinto for having confidence in us as a national owned company to provide technical and advisory support role in the process.   

Kamula Doso Carbon Credit (KDCC) Project
SERACS Ltd has been working closely with the Mayur Renewables on the Kamula Doso Carbon Credit (KDCC) Project and the key communities within the project area to provide technical support role including the facilitation of FPIC process and the awareness.
The KDCC Project covers around 800, 000 hectares of land east of the Strickland River in the Middle Fly and Delta Fly Districts of Western Province.
On the 30th August to 30th September 2022, our team had a month long visit to nine (9) villages of Kamula Doso and Aramia River to collect their consents for the project. On the first week of September, our team had covered inland villages of Keseki, Lake Campbell and Hesalibi. They collected the consents from the clans, villages and the ward levels.
After completing the inland villages, the team spent three weeks to cover Aramia River villages. These villages are Ali, Makapa, Bamustu, Wasapea and Pikiwa. They gave their consents under clans, village and ward levels.
Somokopa village was covered separately after the team completed the Aramia River villages. On the 26th of September 2022, the team travelled on the helicopter to Somokopa and spend three days conducting awareness and allow community to give their consents. Somokopa village is located within the Block 2 of the project area and the only access is through air.
Community development in terms of education, health, communication, transport, agriculture and livelihood opportunities are very limited in most of the villages. It is the long term goal of the KDCC Project to address some of these key development priorities and bring changes to improve the living standards in those nine (9) villages.

Papua LNG Project
As part of continues technical support to Total Energies PNG (developer of Papua LNG Project), our team and Total Energies PNG have successfully handed the SMLI study report for the Onshore and Offshore Pipeline Route to the Department of Petroleum and Energy (DPE) on the 13th of September 2022. SMLI reports submitted so far included the reports for PRL-15 (on July 2022) and the report for Onshore and offshore Pipeline Route on the 13th September 2022.

Wafi Golpu Project
The Morobe Provincial Government (MPG) team was in Port Moresby to recommence the work on the Wafi Golpu Project Development Forum as per a recent PEC decision and directive. The team met with the technical advisors on the Development Forum Process including Dr. Beno Boeha and Dr. Rodney Kameata from SERACS Ltd. The team also met with the CEPA and the MRA to get the discussion on the process going forward to reconvene the Development Forum for Wafi Golpu Project.
Dr. Boeha and Dr. Kameata were the original team that put together the MPG position paper after a lengthy consultation process with the stakeholders that included the landowners from different tenement areas, Districts and Local Level Governments in the impacted areas. SERACS Ltd continues to play a technical support role on the range of projects throughout the country. The team met with MRA on the 13th September 2022 and with the CEPA on the 14th September 2022.

Hunter H2O Project
On the 26th to 30th Sept, 2022, SERACS Ltd was engaged to do work on the social feasibility study for the Banz Water Supply Project in Jiwaka Province. Our engagement was through Stock & Partners who were sub-contracted by Beca Hunter H2O.
The township of Banz has seen an economic growth due to the vibrant changes and development in the agriculture sector. The town has been without a reliable water supply since its establishment in the Post-Independence era. Currently residents are using rain water, well water, bore water and surface water from Mombol River. The feasibility study undertaken by Beca Hunter H2O funded by UNOPS would enable a reliable water supply for the town.