SERACS Ltd continues to provide community support role apart from other roles in the development of CCL Project in Central Province. As part of its community development program in compliance with the National Content Policy (NCP), Mayur Resource Ltd has engaged Australian Pacific Training Coalition (APTC); a program funded through PNG-Australian Partnership Program, to provide training on the basic technical skills to dis-engaged youths, women and marginalised population of the communities within the Project area.


On 5th May, 2023, a team from APTC let by Rachel Abo (Partnership & Coalition Facilitator) and Theda Theo (Training Coordinator) went to Rearea village and conducted an awareness on the training program. The awareness covered information on the courses offered at APTC, entry requirements and the registration process.

Over 100 application forms were given out to the interested participants to fill in after the awareness. From that many, 33 have submitted their applications successfully. This group set for their Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) test on Monday 5th June 2023 at APTC campus.


Those that passed the LLN test will be formally registered and will begin their skillset training program on basic welding that will last for four weeks.The training will be conducted in batches of 20 participants until all participants who passed the LLN test have been trained.

APTC training program is an outcome based program and will be focusing on helping those that are already employed but lack basic skills to climb up the ladder, or those that have prospective employment waiting for them but lack relevant skills to meet the demand.

The training program is also beneficial because when more people get trained or/and more training is conducted, it will definitely boost locals participating in the CCL Project, which is in line with NCP. Part of the process our team here at SERACS will be facilitating includes the signing of a MOU between Mayur Resource Ltd and the APTC to formalize this training program


On June 15, 2023, a momentous event unfolded as the civil works for the Central Cement and Limestone (CCL) Project in Central Province kicked off. This marked a significant milestone in the project's progress. HBS, the contractor entrusted by Mayur Resource Ltd for limestone mining, successfully mobilized their machines to initiate the first phase of the construction work. As contracted by Mayur Resource Ltd, our team at SERACS Ltd played a crucial and attentive role on-site. We were dedicated to guiding the machine operators with great care to prevent any harm to the houses and gardens. This task held immense importance as we aimed to protect the food gardens, plants, and houses that were not accounted for in the compensation list. Our primary objective was to ensure the preservation and safeguarding of the gardens and houses along the path of the machines.

The preservation of the community's gardens and houses stands as a powerful testament to our unwavering commitment to responsible project management. Sustainability lies at the core of our values, and we genuinely prioritize the concerns of the community.  Our ultimate goal is to cultivate a positive relationship between the community and the developer. We recognize that a harmonious environment is crucial for the successful implementation of the project, and we strive to create such an environment. By doing so, we intend to bring widespread benefits to the entire community, making the CCL Project a source of pride and prosperity for all.


Pic: Random shots of out team working with the employees of HBS on the 16th June, 2023 near Kido village