Fifteen out of 25 youths from Lealea village, enrolled in Basic Engineering training in 2023, are currently participating in an 8-week Certificate II in Engineering program facilitated by the Australian Pacific Training Coalition (APTC).

Initiated by Mayur Resource Ltd in 2023, the project proponent of the Central Cement and Limestone (CCL) Project, the training involves youths from both Lealea and Kido villages.


Upon completion, the 15 participants will receive an Australian Accredited Certificate II in Engineering Pathways with a specialization in Welding. Commencing with the first batch from Lealea village in 2023, the second batch will be selected from Kido village, with their training scheduled to start after the current 8-week program. Applicants from Kido village are currently undergoing the vetting process, coordinated by the APTC. As technical support to Mayur Resource Ltd, SERACS Ltd has facilitated the process of identifying and mobilizing interested locals from Kido and Lealea villages for this training program. Additionally, our team has also coordinating logistics for the students with support from Mayur Resource Ltd and the APTC.


During a recent visit to the APTC campus, Mayur's CEO, Mr. John McBride, expressed satisfaction with the students' progress and encouraged them to give their best in this training program. This initiative reflects Mayur’s commitment to local content and investment in enhancing the technical skills of the local workforce, crucial for both the construction and operation phases of the CCL Project.

SERACS Ltd thank Mayur Resource for having confidence in us as one of the local companies, granting us the opportunity to provide technical support for over 5 years now.


Pic: Mayur's CEO, Mr. John McBride addressing the students during his recent visit to APTC campus