Kamula Doso Carbon Credit (KDCC) Project

SERACS Ltd continue to provide technical support on the Free Prior Inform Consent (FPIC) process to Mayur Renewables on the Kamula Dodo Carbon Credit (KDCC) Project.
On the 30th June to 11th July 2022, our team had a second field trip to inland Kamula Doso villages of Keseki (Wawoi Falls), Lake Campbell and Hesalibi in the Delta Fly and Middle Fly Districts of Western Province. The trip was purposely to conduct awareness on the project and the FPIC process to those villages.
SANTOS through a representative has been part of the trip as SANTOS has signed an expression of interest in the KDCC Project with Mayur Renewables ad part of its carbon offset project. This shows confidence in the work that Mayur Renewables is doing with the technical support from SERACS Ltd on the FPIC processes. The trip included Mr. Freddie Alei and Mr. Peter Samuel from the UPNG Centre for Climate Change and Sustainable Development.

SERACS Ltd Agriculture Project

The lead farmers have made a first harvest of the vegetables after two months. The vegetables harvested include pachoi, tomato, capsicum and saladia. They have sold it at the local market at Avavu and Mayur Exploration campsite for K2 and K4 depending on their sizes. SERACS Ltd will do an internal evaluation of the program and develop the next phase which is to focus on entrepreneurial, health and nutrition (healthy cooking) using locally grown produce from the gardens.This is to improve the traditional diet of sago that has been existed for many years.