SERACS Ltd has been entrusted by OK Tedi Mining Ltd (OTML) to serve as one of the three (3) Independent Observers (IOs) in the Community Mine Continuation Agreement (CMCA) Extension Review Project for 2024–2025.  Commencing on February 19, 2024, the CMCA Extension Review process includes village meetings, regional meetings, and working group meetings. The goal of the CMCA review process is to obtain consent from the 158 mine-impacted villages to extend mine operations from 2026 to 2033.

The IOs’ role is to ensure that the CMCA Extension Review process aligns with the principles of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC), which is also in line with two important National Goals and Directive Principles of the country: Goal 2 - Equality and Participation, and Goal 5 - Papua New Guinea Ways.


FPIC refers to the right of community members to provide or withhold their consent for any action that would affect their lands, villages, or rights. “Free” means that community members' consent cannot be given under force or threat. The CMCA process aims to uphold this principle of FPIC, and the IOs' primary role is to ensure this is done properly. The CMCA process also upholds the concept of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), which is crucial for the extension of Ok Tedi mine operations into the future. The ESG concept emphasizes that the project developer must take a holistic approach in managing its environmental, social, and governance issues in compliance with IFC standards, the Mining Act 1992, and the Environment Act 2000.


The CMCA process provides an avenue for OTML to demonstrate to its key stakeholders how the company plans to manage its risks and opportunities related to ESG during the mine extension period from 2026 to 2033. The lessons learned from this CMCA process will play an important role in the other mining projects across the country, especially in project negotiations as part of Community Development Agreement (CDA), as per the Draft Mining Bill.  The CMCA process for Ok Tedi Mine can also serve as a model for the Panguna Mine Legacy Assessment and efforts on environmental remediation and negotiations for compensations


Our terrestrial biologist specialist, Miss Othniella Vincent (second from right) and marine biologist specialist, Miss Zina Biwi (separate picture), have played an important role in the environmental assessment for the Rabaul Port Rehabilitation Project.  Miss Vincent played a vital role in identifying the various vegetation types in the project area and evaluated their conservation significance. Her work also extended to flora and fauna evaluations, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the area's biodiversity.


Miss Biwi, was instrumental in the marine assessment, focusing on fish species in and around the port area that could be affected by the port's development. Her expertise was vital in identifying potential impacts and providing recommendations for sustainable marine management. These assessments are crucial for informing the feasibility study and guiding the sustainable development of the Rabaul Port Rehabilitation Project.


SERACS Ltd wish to extend our gratitude to DT Global, the lead consultant, for entrusting our company to undertake the environmental assessments as part of the feasibility study for the project.