Grow PNG Project

SERACS Ltd was engaged by Grow PNG Ltd to conduct a pilot training on the Land Access Guide (LAG) with the selected oil palm farmers. One week training was held in Mutzing Station from 25th to 27th August 2021. Total of 34 participants from the 18 ILGs within Umi Atzera LLG attended this pilot training. The aim of the LAG pilot training is to test out the guide and develop a training module that can be used in other trainings with the farmers within Markham Valley. The Grow PNG’s long term goal is to ensure that 90% of arable land in Markham Valley is properly released for agribusiness activities and turn Markham Valley to be a food bowl for Papua New Guinea.
















Bluff (Power to Shore) Project

SERACS Ltd has been engaged by Gulf Provincial Administration (GPG) to carry out awareness and social mapping & landowner identification (SMLI) studies for the Power to Shore, Urban Development and Petoe Industrial Hub Projects in Gulf Province. As our first step towards rolling out this task, our team did the presentation on the awareness material and the overall program for the SMLI survey to the GPA. The presentation was done at the GPA conference room in Kerema town on the 17th August 2021. Present during the meeting were Deputy Provincial Administrator – Mr. Emmanuel Xavier, Provincial Oil & Gas Coordinator – Mr. Derick Maravila, Ihu LLG President – Hon. Charles Maiu and Provincial Lands Officer – Mr. Lai Makeo.The roll out of the awareness and the SMLI survey will cover villages that have customary land identified within the 714 hectares of the project area. These villages include Petoe, Uaripi, Mei, Akapiru and Lapari. The awareness and the SMLI studies were carry out from 19th to 23rd August 2021