Central Cement and Limestone (CCL) Project


SERACS Ltd had undertaken two weeks consultation and awareness on the CCL Project Land Investigation Review (LIR) process with the customary landowners. The team comprises of four officers from SERACS Ltd and police personnel from Southern Command.The consultation work include meeting with the clan leaders of Kido, Rearea, Papa, Keiva and Gorohu to verify their traditional story against their portions of land identified within the project area, and demarcating of clan land boundaries within the Block 1, 2 and 3 of the project area. This is to ensure that genuine landowners are identified with their land boundaries clearly demarcated using GPS coordinates. This task was also undertaken to assist the team to identify land areas that were under disputes and land titles for specific colonial leases within the project area.
















SERACS Ltd Agriculture Project

SERACS Ltd had initiated a pilot vegetables farming for the local lead farmers in Muro in Kikori District of Gulf Province. The lead farmers were selected from the villages of Ere Kilavi and Huruta, including Muro Primary School.

This program was started in April 6th 2022. We supplied the vegetables seeds and pesticides to the lead farmers as their start-up capital to begin with. Our aim is to encourage local farmers to utilize their land for agriculture activities, which can generate steady income for the families and the community as a whole.

We have also encouraged them to start thinking about how they can increase their supply so that they can be able to supply fresh produce to the catering service at the Iron Sand Mining campsite.One of our interns, Mr. Awo Saluali had been tasked to take lead in this pilot vegetables farming project. He has been on site providing technical support to the lead farmers and students at Muro Primary School. He guides them on how to prepare a land, use pesticides and the nursery of seeds. While on site, Mr. Saluali was able to coordinating and running a joint program with the Agriculture teacher from Muro Primary School, in which he has undertaken practical lessons on vegetables farming with the students.The pilot vegetables farming program has gained interest in the community where families are now showing their interest in the program. SERACS Ltd will conduct an internal evaluation on this program and plan for the next phase in which it will consult Gulf Provincial Administration and the Southern Region Fresh Produce Development Corporation to seek partnership and collaboration.