After 30 years since the crisis in 1988, Rio Tinto finally set foot on the Bougainville Island. Rio Tinto was a majority shareholder of the BCL through Conzinc Rio Tinto of Australia. This was the first meeting with the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) and the President Mr. Ismael Toroama, after the crisis and the closure of the mine in 1989. The purpose of the meeting was to have dialogue on the process going forward to address Panguna mine legacy issues. The meeting in Buka on the 8th Feb 2023 was attended by Mr. Ismael Toroama (ABG President), Ms. Theonilla Roka (Minister for Education & Member for Ioro), Ms. Geraldine Paul (Minister for Primary Industry & Women's representative in the ABG Parliament) and Sharach Himata (Chief Secretary ABG Administration), including the representatives of Rio Tinto.


President Toroama was a former BRA leader and a veteran of the crisis. With humility, humbleness and decisive leadership, he is willing to let the process of the human rights environment impact assessment to proceed as a way of addressing the Panguna mine legacy issues. Panguna remains an economic cornerstone for an Independent Bougainville. Current ABG Government under the leadership of President Toroama, sees this as a way forward.

SERACS Ltd was contracted to Rio Tinto to provide technical support role on social aspects including landowners issues on Panguna mine legacy issues since 2021. We pleased and humbled to have in this historical meeting after 30 years.


The Morobe Provincial Government (MPG) Technical Advisory Committee on the Wafi Golpu Joint Venture (WGJV) Project including representative to the State Negotiating Team (SNT) and the Developer (Wafi Golpu Joint Venture) met in Lae, Morobe Province on Thursday 2nd February 2023 to provide briefings on the progress of the negotiation relating to the WGJV Project between the SNT and the WGJV (the Developer). Mr. David Wissink (General Manager External Affairs - WGVJ) and Mr. David Masani (Community Affairs Manager - WGJV) were also present to provide the progressive update of the project to the Committee, including the representative of the SNT, members of the MPG and the Developer.


The MPG Technical Advisory Committee was put together by Hon. Wenge, the Governor for Morobe Province to advice the MPG and represent the united approach of the people of Morobe in the negotiations with the State and the Developers concerning the WGJV Project to obtain tangible benefit for all of Morobe Province on the instructions of MPG from time to time.The Committee is made up of four (4) highly qualified and experienced Papua New Guineans and overseas technical experts in various areas. The Committee is chaired by Mr. Rimbink Pato, OBE, the former Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Papua New Guinea, a qualified Lawyer with over 30 years experience.


Other members of the Committee include Mr. Richard Hill, a chartered accountant, corporate advisor and a founding partner of DFK Richard Hill, a company with substantial client interest in Australia, PNG and in South East Asia.

The other two key Committee members are Dr. Beno B. Boeha, CBE, PhD, a former Director of PNG National Research Institute (PNGNRI) and a Deputy Vice Chancellor and Senior Lecturer in Applied Physics at PNG University of Technology (UOT) and Dr. Rodney Kameata, PhD, the Executive Director of Social Environmental Research and Consultancy Services Ltd, a consultancy firm that specializes in providing advice and services in the areas of environmental impact assessment, social mapping and community engagement for range of projects including Oil and Gas exploration, Mining and infrastructure projects. The Committee’s core function is to provide financial, legal and strategic advice on the MPG’s position as a stakeholder in the WGJV Project.


The MPG Technical Advisory Committee, since its formation late last year appointed on the recommendation of and in consultation with the Prime Minister Hon. James Marape by the MPG met for the first time with representatives of the SNT, and the Developers who attended in the presence of Hon. Wenge and other leaders from the province to discuss the expectation for the MPG and the collective visions and aspirations of the people of Morobe during and after the crucial construction phase of the multibillion Kina WGJV Project