By end of 2022, our organization initiated a mine rehabilitation program for the Orokolo Iron Sand Mine Project in Orokolo Bay, Gulf Province. The idea was to preserve native plant species as part of the rehabilitation program. Collaborating with the local community from Ere Kilavi village, our environment team went and conducted an extensive survey to identify and collect data on the native plant species and legumes found within the project area. This survey was undertaken from 24th to 27th December, 2022.To ensure progressive rehabilitation, we plan to establish nurseries before the mine's construction phase. The information gathered will also be used to ensure fair compensation for the local community during construction and operation of the project, as these plant species hold economic, social, and cultural value. The survey was conducted with gender-sensitive approaches, involving local experts in identifying and providing traditional names for the plant species. The identified plant species will play a critical role in stabilizing and rehabilitating the mine site, and also support post-mine land activities, such as agriculture and reforestation programs.