Kamula Doso Carbon Credit (KDCC) Project
On the 18th to 23rd March 2022, our team had been engaged by Mayur Renewables – a subsidiary of Mayur Resource Ltd to carry out awareness and Free Prior Inform Consent (FPIC) on the Kamula Doso Carbon Credit (KDCC) Project with the Aramia River villages in the Middle Fly District of Western Province. The villages that were covered in the awareness and the FPIC process include Ali, Makapa, Pikiwa, Bamustu and Wasapea. All these villages are access by dinghy and motor canoe. The project is a 3rd project in the country with about 800, 000 hectares of land area. The other two projects are April Salumei and West Coast Namatanai in East Sepik and New Ireland Provinces respectively. From the lessons learned in the other two projects, our team ensured that proper process of awareness and FPIC are carried out in those villages. Information covered in the awareness includes the carbon cycle, climate change, global warming, carbon credit markets and the benefit sharing mechanisms for the project. The awareness team consist of Mayur Renewables, Tumu Timber Development Corporation, UPNG and SERACS Ltd. The awareness was conducted between 18th March 2022 and Landowners for each village will be given a month to digest the information and then the team will visit those villages again to collect their consents for the project.