Othniella VINCENT (Miss)

                                     Education background: Biological Sciences (Bsc)

                                     Work Position: Research Assiciate (Environment)

                                     Start Date: 21st October 2021





Have solid academic background in biological sciences and one year of internship, gaining sound skills and experiences in environment impact assessments, management, monitoring that involves data collection, analysis, technical report writing, administration duties and gaining familiarity with stakeholder consultation and negotiations. Underpinned with experience to conduct environment awareness and plant propagation. Currently, taking lead role to update mine closure plan, develop natural environment revegetation plan and selecting legumes for Orokolo Iron Sand Mine Rehabilitation program in Gulf Province.

Key responsibility and tasks as intern

Skills Acquired and Expertise

  • General administrative duties and utilisation of task management tool to develop weekly work plans, field work plans, project related activities plan etc. 
  • Take lead to update Mayur Iron sand mine closure and rehabilitation plan  (Present)
  • Contributed to prepare REDD + FPIC materials and did awareness for Kamula Doso Carbon Credit Project areas by Mayur Renewables - 2022
  • Contributed to the carbon credit project desktop review for the biophysical aspect- 2022
  • Gain survey skills – focus group survey, questionnaire development 
  • Vetiver Grass Propagation Nursery and monitoring –2022
  • Environmental Baseline Results Community Awareness in Orokolo Iron Sand Mine - 2022
  • Contributed towards Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan for Mayur Iron Sand Project -2021
  • Contributed towards Pre-construction Survey for Mayur Iron Sand Project - 2021
  • Undertook flora and fauna assessment surveys for Mayur Iron Sand Mine in Inland Orokolo Environment baseline studies – 2021
  • Contributed to the EIA Desktop Review for Mayur Iron Sand Resource Project – 2021



Conducting Awareness(FPIC Process) for Kamula Doso Carbon Credit Project
Conducting Focus Group Suvey to identify local useful species and  collect indegenous knowledge of environment
Identifying useful local tree species with locals in Orokolo Iron Sand Mine project area
Introducing Focus Group survey  objective to Orokolo Iron Sand Community
Propagating Vetiver Grass to use in Orokolo Iron Sand Mine Project Area for Bioengineering, Phytoremidiationand agriculture
Running Transect for Terrestrial Environment for Orokolo Iron Sand Mine
Using Pictorial Aids to help locals Identified animal species within the project area of Orokolo Iron Sand Mine
Working with locals to name plants in local venarcular
Vetiver Grass Nursery for Orokolo Iron Sand MINE
Doing Environmental Impact Assesment awareness presentation at Avavu village, Muro Gulf Prov. as part of presenting EIA findings back to the community