Personal Details & Education Background


Name: Ita Pasi
Lower Primary education: Waigani Primary School
Lower Secondary education: St. Charles Lwanga High School
Upper Secondary Education: Port Moresby National High School
Tertiary Education: BA in Arts (Social Work), University Of Papua New Guinea
Internship program: Social Research Intern
Date Commenced: October 2021
Date of Internship conclusion: October 2023

Hard- working and passionate young Social Worker whose passion lies in making the lives of ordinary Papua New Guineans better, even in the tiniest of ways- especially within the mine impacted communities. This is simply because I believe that change starts with me- I will not complain about how the government, service providers, and project owners fail to provide basic services to these people, instead, I will ask myself “I have the opportunity to help these people, what am I going to do about it?”

Areas of focus under Internship Program
Landowner company formation;
Urban Township Development
Ward Development Plan
Incorporated Land Group (ILG) Training facilitation- How to Register an ILG & ILG Capacity Building
Mine Rehabilitation- Socio- economic Aspect
Post- Graduate Studies 2023

Skills acquired and/or enhanced through the internship program
Desktop Reviews
Environmental Impact Assessment Study;
Socio-economic household surveys
Administer structured questionnaires
Field Trip Report
Liaise/ negotiate with various stakeholders, project holders, government agencies, and landowners
Facilitate awareness and training
Research Data Collection, Research data interpretation, and Report Writing
Research skills
Public speaking skills and techniques of different audiences
Conflict resolution techniques
Picture with the legendary Darren Lockyer after a meeting with a major client to whom Mr. Lockyer is a Business Partner
Socio-economic benefits and impacts awareness of mining to landholders at Huruta village
Posing with the participants after facilitating a successful week-long ILG Training in Madang
Addressing coastal landowner concerns
Administering household surveys