At Social Environmental Research and Consultancy Services Limited, we provide fresh graduates with the opportunity to put into practise their knowledge and skills learned from studies through our internship program. The internship program focuses on exposing the graduates on what is like to be working in the professional working environment while also developing new skills and knowledge. They're not confined only to their field of study but trained to also do tasks outside their field of study. They're supervised by our professional lead officers to ensure they are on track and doing what it takes to be a professional in the working environment.

As a consultant company, we travel out to do field works more often for our clients. Thus, this gives the opportunity to our internship trainees to also gain field work experience. Our interns go out to the fields with their supervisors and collect data whilst learning new skills on how to interact with our clients as well as the people.
Our aim is to help recent graduates develop skills in both their field of study as well as other fields, so that it will enhance their career development goals.

Below is a brief history of our internship program.






Intern Trainees Profiles