
Director of the company, is an anthropologist by profession and has undergraduate qualifications from the University of Papua New Guinea and the University of Queensland. Commenced first employment with the National Research Institute under the Social and Environmental Studies Division. Has extensive social science and environmental Research in Papua New Guinea and has previously undertaken a lot of work for a range of corporate clients in the mining and petroleum sectors and continues to do so. Previous work experiences has included work for Chevron under CDI Foundation, consultancy work for the world bank and the last formal employment was in 2009, under National Planning and working for the then Law and Justice sector. Have undertaken consultancy projects previously for Ok Tedi Mining, MRDC, Dome Resources, Ausaid projects, Chevron Texaco, World bank and Asian Development Bank, GROW PNG. Our current corporate clients of which am leading the team on includes Total Energies for the Papua LNG, Mayur Resources for CCL, Orokolo Bay, Renewables project, Rio Tinto on Panguna Legacy issues assessment, Morobe Provincial Government, and Gulf Provincial Government.