Name: AWO

                            Surname: SALUALI

                            District: MAPRIK

                            Province: EAST SEPIK

                            Position: Agriculture Lead





I started my primary education in 2004 at Bambra Primary school in Maprik District and continued with my secondary schooling from 2012 - 2016 at Maprik Secondary. After completing my secondary education, I continued on my further studies at the Papua New Guinea University of Natural Resources and Environment (PNGUNRE), Vudal campus in East New Britain Province. Successfully completed four (4) years (2017 – 2020) of studies and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Sustainable Fisheries Marine Resources.



An aspiring and Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Science graduate having a keen interest in contributing to the blue economic future. I am interested in the role that technology can play to support the sustainability and environmental protection that will impact communities in a positive way. Besides that, getting the locals involved as entrepreneurs in each respective sectors of Fisheries and Agriculture sustainable development for the livelihood and development in Papua New Guinea.


SKILLS Acquired

Research intern – at Social Environmental Research And Consultancy Services Limited (SERACS Ltd)


Skills and Expertise


After completing intership program, Awo is now the ogoranisation's Agriculture Lead in carrying out agriculture projects for the orgranisation and its clients.

Visiting of nursery site with the local lead farmers during the pilot agriculture programe in Muro, Orokolo Bay, Gulf Province
Demonstrating of nursery soil preparation for nursery during the pilot a agriculturer programe
Delivering of seedlings to the local lead farmers
Apart from my field, I help my team in other fields (EIA surveys). Seeing here is me collecting water samples to be examine at the laborotary to identify the minerals contain in the water source
Lead farmers posing with their nurseries ready for planting under the guidance of Mr Awo. Sauali
Pachoi vegetables growing after been planted in the plots