Personal Information

Name: Alfred Aramjal Urim

Employment Position: Social Team Lead

Position no#: 1003

Qualification: Bachelor of Social Work at the University of Papua New Guinea.


Profile Summary

Attained Bachelors Degree of Social Work at the University of Papua New Guinea in (2013) and currently employed under SERACS as the Social Team Lead. Mr Urim has been engaged with SERACS Ltd since 2017, as a Research Associate and later elevated to his current position. He has been mostly involved in the Research, Renewable and Non-renewable Resource, Training and Capacity building and Exploration support roles. As the Social Team Lead, he provides administrative support supervisory roles, managing cadets / students that are attached with the organisation whether as part of advance fieldwork students or new graduates out on cadet scheme in-house or out in fieldwork. He also liaise with our clients/partners on behalf of the Team leader providing updates of any meetings, briefings, workshops to team leader after meetings and briefing, after spelling out any critical issues that the team leader needs to be aware of to make decisions and come up with a strategy going forward.

Alfred love’s to learn new things and expand on things he already know.


Some Areas of Expertise

-Social Mapping and Landowner identification Studies (SMLIs); 

-Land mapping and Land Investigation Study/s (Reports) and Land Access;

-Desktop Reviews /Report writing; 

-Administration and Planning;

-Social Impact Assessment;

-Exploration Support - Community Liaison and Consultation;

-Conservation and Environmental management programs;

-Social Research, Surveys and Environmental consulting services; 

-Scoping, Resourcing and Planning; 

-Landowner  Relations and Consultations;

-Mining compensations & Relocation Plans;

-Pre-Consultative Forum and  Development Forum Facilitation and Negotiation process;

-Developing Communication packages and Awareness

-Landowner Beneficiary Identification process Leading to Ministerial Determination and Development Forum process.  



Some Deliverables/Achievements;


a. Papua LNG (2018-2023) Total Energies PNG Limited

-Data collection for PRL 15 SMLI (Social Mapping and Landowner Identification study) Report;

-Core Author of the Onshore Pipeline Export Route (Social Mapping & Landowner Identification Report); 

-Physical land boundary demarcation LIR (Land Investigation Report); and

-Genealogy Mapping attachment report

-Landowner Beneficiary Identification (LOB-ID) process leading to Ministerial Determination.

-Development Forum Process


b. Mayur Resource Limited (2019-2023) / Kido cement and lime project

-Consultative Forum Roadmap;

-Pre consultative Forum; and

-Updated land study report;


c. Mayur Resource Limited (2019-2023) / Muro Iron-sand project (ML541) project.

-Social Mapping and Landowner Identification Report and grant of ML 541.

-Land mapping and Benefit Sharing Arrangements; 

-Validation and Compensation; and

-Land issue negotiation leading to (Muro) Peace and Reconciliation Ceremony.


d. Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) – Rio Tinto (2020 & 2022)

-Social Mapping and Landowner Identification  Training;

-Indexing and Special Investment Program Desktop Review;


e. Gulf Provincial Government & Twinza Oil Limited; (2020-2021)

-Bluff (714 hectares) updated Social Mapping & Landowner Identification report);

-Petoe (20 hectares) SMLI report.


f. Grow PNG- Land Access Guide, (2019).

-Land use agreement guide of the Markham valley. The land access is expected to address the issues relates to unlocking customary land for agri-business investment and the opportunities that exist for customary landowners to enter into business relationship with agri-business investors.


g. Conservation & Environment Protection Authority– Japan International Cooperation Agency (CEPA-JICA) Project for Biodiversity Conservation project for the proposed Marine Protected Area (MPA) within Bootless Bay, (2019)

- Establishment Bootless Bay Marine Protected Area.


h. Conservation & Environment Protection Authority – Japanese International Cooperation Agency (CEPA-JICA) Project for Terrestrial Conservation Area for Variarata National Park, (2017).

- Establishment of the Varirata National Park Auditorium/Information Centre.  

Other - Curricular Activities

-Presenter at the Impact Conference 2019, University of Papua New Guinea & James Cook University Partnership program. UPNG.

-Employed with Asila Security Ltd, in 2016-2017, as a static PMIA Guard-National Airports Corporation.

-Builder /Carpenter & Administrator 2010 – 2012, Kashon’s Limited, a Sub- Contractors, building & Construction Company.




Bootless Bay MPA scouting
Compensation Payment for Muro Ironsand project landowners.
Bougainville Copper Limited SMLI Training on the 2021-07-18.
Papua LNG PER Physical Land demarcation LIR
BCL Stakeholder Consultation for SMLI Training 2021-06-23-
Bluff Project SMLI Awareness at Lapari village. 20210820
Muro villages Peace Ceremony 20230508-
Varirata SMLI Kalakadabu village
EreKilavi and Huruta Peace Ceremony Negotiations -20230508-
SMLI Studies undertaken at Nea creek (Papua LNG project). 2018.
SMLI Awareness at Petoe village 20210819-
Undertaking Land Study Review for Kido CCL project 2022-02-14_